WHO CARES ABOUT THE DEATH OF A GAY SUPERHERO ANYWAY? Back to list Thursday, July 9, 2009 RICTOR and SHATTERSTAR together at last!Now what's this about some bigot named Rob Liefield going on the record publicly and saying he can't wait to retcon Shatterstar back to straight. Sorry, sir, your misogynist way of drawing women went out of style with your popularity in the early nineties.Feel free to try to settle this with me, if you think your little man balls are up to it, you two-faced bigot. PS -- never begin a letter that says you're apologetic to the gays' cause by saying, essentially, "I'm apologetic to the gays' cause." That's as laughably offensive as the some-of-me-best-friends-are-black line from the seventies. Seriously, are you for real, or is this some kind of joke to poke fun at your out of date status? If the former is true, I'll be at the SD Comicon and can think of a whole slew of us gay writers who'd love to take you to task for your homophobia. Now you know what it feels like to have a gay character suddenly straight for fifteen some odd years...like Rictor and Shatterstar. Douchebag. Sincerely, Perry Moore (Hey if anyone out there can help me get this letter to this jerk, please let me know. I'd be forever in your debt.) |
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