WHO CARES ABOUT THE DEATH OF A GAY SUPERHERO ANYWAY? Back to list Friday, July 31, 2009 Ice v. IcemaidenHi all,Now here's a fan who knows his stuff. I never knew the two characters were intended to be the same person! Here's what he has to say: "First Name: Daniel Last Name: O''Doelan Email: Druid_Dan9@Yahoo.com Additional Info: I love your book ''Hero'' and this site but I just wanted to let you know I noticed an error in your list of wronged and misused gay characters. The formerly deceased heroine Ice is straight, you''re thinking of Icemaiden, a very similar character who was also a former member of the Global Guardians. They were actually originally the same person but after Ice was made more prominant as a Justice League member and given a history and such, another writer noticed she had a different real name originally and decided to explain it by having them be two women. Icemaiden while underused, has never had anything seriously awful occur to her though villianess ''the Mist'' did use her likeness to infiltrate and massacre the Justice League Europe." |
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